Urban Interface Firefighting
Where the Forest Meets Communities – Urban Interface Firefighting is experiencing extreme fire behavior, and wildfire suppression operations in the wildland-urban interface (WUI) have become the norm.
Urban Interface Firefighting
Realistic Firefighting Solutions That Work
Urban Interface Firefighting is experiencing extreme fire behavior, and wildfire suppression operations in the wildland-urban interface (WUI) have become the norm.
Firefighters see the rapid growth of housing and construction in our urban-interface areas, and we see a rise in wildfires threatening our cities, towns, and communities.
Year after year, the devastating effects of fire seasons have been physically, emotionally, and economically challenging. At times we may feel there is little we can do as a fire burns through a community. We now have the help we need.
GreenFire® is tested and proven to work in the unban interface firefighting setting. And GreenFire® works in several ways in the urban interface.
Urban Interface Firefighting personnel can use GreenFire® to pretreat homes or structures in a defense operation. Unlike other foams or fire gels, GreenFire® leaves a protective barrier on a structure for several days if needed.
Because it is an all-green organic product, there are no harmful effects on the structure.
GreenFire® Fire protection products are completely green, safe for people, environment and Urban Interface Firefighting and firefighters. GreenFire® carries a NSF Whitebook listing, GreenScreen Silver certification and Omri listing.
For more information on toxicity and safety data click here.
Recommended Products for Urban Interface Firefighting
GreenFire® Wetting Agent
Why Choose GreenFire® Wetting Agent
As a water performance enhancer, GreenFire®Wetting Agent meets the challenges of an ever growing Urban Interface Firefighting demographic.
Increased effectiveness with zero re-ignition.
During the peak of the fire season, Urban Interface Firefighting resources are of high importance and may be in limited supply.
Our GreenFire® product line is available throughout the U.S.
GreenFire® Urban Interface Firefighting products can be applied via pump and roll monitors, large water capacity structure protection engines, small home protection units, aerial buckets and conventional hose lines.
Suppress and Extinguish with GreenFire® products, not just slow the rate of burn with traditional products.
Less on location time spent per crew equals a valued engineering savings and resources.
GreenFire® News
Our GreenFire® blog will keep you up to date on industry news, certifications, product information and latest news.